Volunteer Day with Cradles to Crayons

May 22, 2024

April was National Volunteer Month, and Alan Gray and A.G. Risk Management (AGRM) took the opportunity to give back to our local communities.

At Alan Gray and A.G. Risk Management (AGRM), we believe in providing volunteer opportunities for our employees. On April 26th, we partnered with Cradles to Crayons in Boston and Philadelphia to volunteer at their Giving Factories.

For over 20 years, Cradles to Crayons has been working diligently to end children’s clothing insecurity in the United States, a hidden crisis currently affecting more than 20 million children in some way within the country. By raising awareness, collecting donations, engaging volunteers, and advocating “for further reaching and sustainable solutions to address the need,”1 the organization has successfully served over 3.4 million children since 2002.

For us, the decision to collaborate with this organization was an easy one. Alan Gray and AGRM found that our values align well with Cradles to Crayons, especially as they are located in our local communities of Boston and Philadelphia. By following the “Quality=Dignity” approach of the organization, our teams came together and sorted through hundreds of donated items to find and collect the best to be distributed to children.

As we reflect on our time at the Giving Factories, we are reminded of the profound impact that collective action can have. By coming together as a company and volunteering our time, Alan Gray and AGRM have reaffirmed our commitment to making a positive difference in the world around us.

One volunteer remarked, “It was a wonderful volunteer experience. We were able to get so much done, and it's great to know that these items will go directly into the hands of children who need them. The Cradles to Crayons team was great to work with as well!” We are proud of the work we accomplished and look forward to our next volunteering effort, partnering with the organization soon!

“Two in five American kids are unable to adequately dress themselves every day,”2 which can impact many aspects of their lives, especially attending school. Cradles to Crayons has distributed more than 4.5 million packages of clothing and other essentials such as diapers, shoes, and school supplies to children living in homeless or low-income situations who otherwise cannot access these critical resources.

If you’d like to learn more about how you or your company can get involved with Cradles to Crayons, check out their website here: Home – Cradles to Crayons

Cradles to Crayons volunteer event

1Our Mission and Model - Cradles to Crayons 

2Help End Clothing Insecurity! - Cradles to Crayons 

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